BMB Steel’s achievements

BMB Steel demonstrates a commitment to high-quality products and services through international certificates. In recent years, we have continually improved and renovated to industrialize and modernize all processes, helping construction industry, especially to build a steel structure building solution more and more developed.

BMB Steel standardizes management systems according to ISO 4500: 2018, ISO 9001: 2015, EN ISO 3834-3: 2006, etc. We have been absolutely trusted by all partners and becoming one In the company to build the leading pre-engineered steel buildings in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

International Certifications
Advanced Safety Certificates
Standard code
(MBMA) Low rise building systems manual metal building manufacturers association, Inc.
(AISC) Manual of steel construction allowable stress design American institute of steel construction, Inc.
(AWS) Structural welding code-steel ANSI/AWS, D1.1-2008. American welding society.
(AISI) Cold formed steel design manual American Iron and steel institute.
Software applied

BMB Steel applies the latest version of the Legal license to design structural engineering shop drawing and fabrication planning and erection of all steel structures.

Software from CSI and BENTLY USA.

(+84) 767676170