DH Logistic Network Vietnam is one of BMB's typical projects around mid-2022. The investor is Daiwa House Vietnam Co., Ltd., part of Daiwa House Industry Japan, one of the "fastidious" investors that BMB is accompanied by.
On March 8, BMB Steel held a small party to celebrate International Women's Day March 8. Not only that, at BMB Steel Ho Chi Minh office there is also a contest for BMB men to show off their ingenuity and talent to beautify the rose petals in the same room to become sparkling and more beautiful.
On February 27, 2024, BMB Steel completed the 2024 goal signing ceremony. The ceremony took place at the BMB Steel company meeting room with the full presence of the company's Board of Directors and department heads. of each department, heads of all branches, and all BMB Steel employees.