HCMC Head Office: 148 Phan Xich Long St., Ward 7, Phu Nhuan Dist., HCMC


BMB Love School - Giving gifts to people in difficult circumstances in Binh Chanh


On August 17, 2024, members representing the BMB Love School Foundation visited and donated necessities such as cakes, candy, and milk.... to difficult circumstances in the Binh Chanh area. Although the gifts are not large, they contain our respect and love for the Elders, Aunts, and Uncles here.

BMB Love School - Giving gifts to difficult circumstances in Binh ChanhBMB Love School Foundation knows that difficulties and adversity always exist to test each person's bravery, strength, and will. But we still hope that after all, the Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles will still keep their happy smiles and find peace in the adversity of their lives.
"Among ten thousand flowers,  kind is the most beautiful flower. Among countless gifts, sincere love is the most precious gift. And all the happiness, being together is the happiest. " Source: Collected

BMB Love School - Giving gifts to difficult circumstances in Binh Chanh
We invite everyone to review these meaningful moments as images.

BMB Love School - Giving gifts to difficult circumstances in Binh ChanhBMB Love School - Giving gifts to difficult circumstances in Binh ChanhBMB Love School - Giving gifts to difficult circumstances in Binh ChanhBMB Love School - Giving gifts to difficult circumstances in Binh Chanh

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